December 30, 2009

Two Quick Steps to a Happy New Year for Your Business

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1. Create a Marketing Strategy
It is relatively easy to buy advertising -- you can put signs on busses, buy a half-hour radio infomercial, or put an ad in your favorite newspaper or magazine -- but it is a challenge to create effective advertising. To effectively market your product or service, follow these steps:

First, discover your target audience. Who buys your product? Who needs your product?

Then, figure out how to communicate with those people. Where do they go for entertainment? Where do they work? What do they read?

Finally, market specifically to the people who want or need your product or service. That may mean creating a Facebook fan page or a Twitter account, exhibiting at a conference or seminar, or sending out a direct mail appeal to those customers. It almost certainly will mean creating a website.

For more specific information on smart marketing, I recommend the website DuctTape Marketing and, of course, Miller Design Studio's marketing and design tweets.

2. Save Money with Open Source Software
For almost every software application that costs your business money, there's another program that will do the job free or for less! With very little searching, you can save big money on invoicing programs, office programs, and e-marketing programs.

Start out by checking out the software downloads at, where literally thousands of programs are available for free download, although some only offer trial versions. Examples include photo editing software, budgeting software, automated mailing software, and PDF printers.

For more free marketing tools, visit "You Can't Beat the Price: Five Free Tools for Marketers"at Image, the Miller Design Studio blog.

October 16, 2009

And The Winner Is...

The winner of the fall giveaway of 1,000 free business cards, designed and printed, is entrant #4 which is... Georgia Printco., a large-format signage company in Atlanta, Georgia. The contest was decided on

Congratulations, Georgia Printco. We'll be contacting you shortly with information about claiming your prize.

But we haven't left the other entrants out in the cold. For the rest of you who entered the contest, each of you will receive a 20% discount on any printed order you place by January 1, 2010.

Thank you for participating!

October 12, 2009

UPDATED: Announcing the 1,000 Business Card Giveaway

Networking is king in today's business world, and the key networking tool is ... the business card. When you meet a potential client, there is often little time for you make a lasting impression -- but your publications can.

That's why Miller Design Studio puts so much work into the business cards we create, and that's why we want to share these business cards with you.

We are giving away 1,000 (count them) full-color, creatively designed business cards on this blog. We will cover the design, the printing, and the shipping; you simply have to approve the design.

Here's the catch: There will only be one winner, chosen at our discretion. To win these business cards, simply leave a comment below this post with your business name, some contact information (website, e-mail, blogger ID), and (if you wish) a plug for your business.

This contest will end Friday, October 16, at 6 p.m.

UPDATED: The winner will be announced tomorrow on Twitter.


The winner of the fall giveaway of 1,000 free business cards, designed and printed, is entrant #4 which is... Georgia Printco., a large-format signage company in Atlanta, Georgia. The contest was decided on

Congratulations, Georgia Printco. We'll be contacting you shortly with information about claiming your prize.

But we haven't left the other entrants out in the cold. For the rest of you who entered the contest, each of you will receive a 20% discount on any printed order you place by January 1, 2010.

Thank you for participating!

September 30, 2009

You Can't Beat the Price: 5 Free Tools for Marketers

The Internet offers a wealth of free tools for your marketing design needs, and as a public service, I present five items that are totally free for you to download and use without (very much) restriction:

1. Photos: FreeRangeStock offers royalty-free, searchable stock photographs free of charge (funded by unobtrusive site advertising) for you to download. All you have to do is register with an e-mail address and password. Although the quality of these photographs is less than some other stock photography sites, you can't beat the price.

2. Fonts: Most quality typefaces are copyright-restricted for non-commercial use unless they have been purchased; however FontSquirrel has searched the Internet for quality free-for-commercial-use fonts created by top designers.

3. Photo Editing Software: Can't afford Photoshop but have to edit photos? Try, a powerful freeware photo editor that you can download in just minutes at no cost!

4. Business Chat Software:, an Internet sales company, offers a totally-free Internet business chat function that can be set up in minutes, embedded in your site using basic HTML, and that requires no software to be uploaded to your server. This is the chat software I use on

5. Advice: The usual advice is "You get what you pay for," but on the Internet, good advice is given out free of charge. Check out DuctTape Marketing for an unmatched collection of short articles about marketing techniques, new marketing software, and the principles of successful small business marketing.

September 21, 2009

Q&A on Self-Publishing (Part 2): Judging a Book by Its Cover

This post continues the previous questions and answers about self-publishing. For more information on self-publishing, listen to Sylvia Hubbard's interview with me on the Michigan Literary Network show. Visit our online author resource center at as well.

We've discussed a few aspects of modern print-on-demand self-publishing, but one aspect I've spent little time about is designing your book cover. After you read what I have to say, be sure to read this Writer's Digest article that points out several cover considerations.

Q. What is essential to a book cover?
A. Although every book is different, most book covers require very basic information: on the front, the title and the author; on the spine, the title, author, and publisher; and on the back, a short summary of the book designed to attract readers, a short author bio, the publisher, and the UPC/ISBN information. In addition, of course you want to provide strong images that convey the message of your book.

Q. How should I choose a cover style?
A. Browse the bookstore -- new, not used -- and look at the new releases, particularly in your genre. Book covers change with the times, and it won't take long to detect the patterns that the New York publishers and others are using for their book covers. By no means am I suggesting that you blindly imitate their cover design, but you should be aware of it.
Choose a style that will resonate with your reading audience. For example, if you're writing for men, you won't use soft images of flowers on your cover. Or you shouldn't, anyway!

Q. What are the top 3 things you look for in a book cover?
A. First, I want to know the answers to the big questions about a book -- the title, the author, the subject. So that all should be very clear to anyone reading it. Some big authors with a loyal fan base can get away with hiding that information, but most can't.
Second, I want the book to visually "grab" me. The image doesn't have to be overpowering, but it should be gripping.
Finally, I am looking for unity. Many people work very hard on their front cover and spend little time designing the spine and the back cover -- both very important parts of the book for marketing purposes.

September 18, 2009

Q&A on Self-Publishing (Part 1)

For more information on self-publishing, listen to Sylvia Hubbard's interview with me on the Michigan Literary Network show.

The Internet has ironically precipitated a radical transformation in hard-copy publishing. Advances in printing technology make it possible to print a book at a time, so it is no longer necessary for the self-published author to order 1,000 books before he or she has made a single sale.

But, the new self-publishing industry is still in its infancy, so it is important for authors to know how this industry works and what it means for them. With that in mind, I present some common questions and answers about self-publishing:

Q. What does self-publishing cost?
Although you can self-publish your book free at Lulu and CreateSpace, quality self-publishing will actually cost you more. The great temptation of self-publishing is to leave essentials like editing and design behind and just get something -- anything -- printed. An unedited, poorly designed book will either drive readers away or (if you're a good salesperson) make the reader feel as if he's been cheated.
That doesn't mean you have to break the bank to self-publish. You don't have to hire a New York editor or a Montreal graphic designer; often you can find a local person who does quality work for an affordable price. [Personal plug: check out for information on our $99 publishing pack.]

Q. How much will I make?
With many self-publishing services, you choose your own price for the book; however, a common complaint about self-published books is that they cost $5 to $10 more than books published by major publishers. As a very general rule, you can probably expect to make at least $2 to $5 per book, and even more if you're willing to buy in bulk and sell personally.

Q. Who will sell my book?
Almost all of the major self-publishing services make your book available on and their own sites. Of course, you can also sell the book on your personal website and through personal interaction.
Many local bookstores have a local authors shelf as well.

Q. How do I format my book?
Most self-publishing services accept Microsoft Word (.doc) and Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) files. Be sure you check the individual specifications regarding size and page numbering.

Q. Where can I find out more?
Writer's Digest has a wealth of information on self-publishing, including "An Insider's Look at Self-Publishing" and other articles.
The Motown Writers Network offers resources and education to Michigan authors.
Request your free Miller Design Studio author resources packet.